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Welcome to 360 Vistas
a movement to widen our vision and expand our hearts and horizons
We are a Community to support the Great Remembering
a movement for  nourishment and rejuvenation
a movement aligned in the wild intelligence of the plant nations & wisdoms,
a movement of embodiment, discovery, biohacking and adventure

a movement for the sacred designs to resonate, ripple and pulse out to the far four corners
a movement interweaving in the foundations
of love, strength, listening, truth, community and collaboration
in a time when all beings, spirit, earth and the waters are calling us all
to remember, reinvigorate, rejuvenate, re imagine in the wild dreaming 
so to connect, learn, celebrate, share, gift, be humble and love

Inspired by the wisdom of 
Nbadva Kure

recognition of many tribes coming together around the fire 
all equal,
all with something important to share,

everyone a medicine carrier

Guided by spirit,
the creative force all around and within 

the earths rhythms and heartbeat
sound and light
and energised thru momentum

Balance thy Compass

May the 360Vistas
deepen our love for life
and our fellow sisters and brothers
Guide us, carry us, inspire us,
and unite 
the burning fire within us all

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