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Aho.. Gran Misterio


when sharing wisdoms, for me it is important to offer it as purely a vision, an insight or an offering if you like

that one can then choose how they receive it

with no attachments from the one sharing


Whether one follows or believes in the light of

Great Spirit, Biame, Creator,  God, Allah, Krishna, Buddha, Amma, Jesus, the Yeshingita and on and on

it is not for me to say I agree or dont agree with your experience 

for we all have the opportunity to acknowledge spirit in all its beautiful forms

creation, co-creation 

mother earth and father sky

the rainbow serpent and the dreaming

and beyond


and to trust beyond what I can see and what I know

knowing in this moment I am breathing in the gift of life

the same air as did my ancestors and their ancestors

for I am feeling spirit within me and all around


with our presence and prayer we co-create



How am I/We feeling and wanting to feel is my motivation for meditation
A  simple practice for dedicating your presence to your prayer.
I remember one time Spirit saying to me,
‘sit in your prayer, or elements of it, each day, honouring those feelings

that you already feel within and allow trust to be strong
 in the universe of co-creation to organise the magic,
then wonder in what the possibilities may be.’


Dream Wild for All

Being Present
to the Beauty Unfolding
to your Hearts Mystery
and for Mother Earth & Father Sky

Being Present
for You


Ayllu Masikunapa
“we are all family”


Elemental Medicines

for aiding our prayer



working with the elements of the universe is super important when cultivating prayer,

for making adjustments within, to helping navigate life's mystery and to helping give rise

to spirit and the limitless possibilities lifes gift offers...

from the wind, to the water, fire and earth,

to the 7 directions including east, south, west and north,

to grandfather sky above, mother moon and father sun.


there  are many medicines for us to work with,

to learn from to understand the cycles and rhythms of life and listen to,

recieving profound insights thru their wisdoms and knowledge,

helping shed light into our lives.


Spirit has been long guiding us all no matter where on our mother earth we have been.

Many a medicines shared. many still learning. many still remembering.

from the medicine wheel to the stars, to our sacred waters and air,

to the simplicity of respect.

May we all be inspired to hold each other in one's integrity with the elements.

Sacred Geometry

Golden elixers of light and form



The strands of our DNA, the intricities of our eyes, snow flakes, the petals of a flower, crystals, leaves on trees,

our dear Father Sun, the galaxy we spiral within to the air we breathe,

and all life forms as we know them emerge out of timeless geometric codes


In Greek Mystery schools 2500 years ago it was taught

that there are five perfect 3-dimensional forms - the tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron ...

collectively known as the Platonic Solids;

and that these form the foundation of everything in our wonderfully patterned physical world of beauty and Creation. 


Modern scholars ridiculed this idea until the 1980's,

when Professor Robert Moon at the University of Chicago demonstrated

that the entire Periodic Table of Elements - literally everything in the physical world -

truly is based on these same five geometric forms.

In fact, throughout modern physics, chemistry, and biology, the sacred geometric patterns of creation

are today being rediscovered.The ancients knew that these patterns were codes symbolic of

our own inner realm and that the experience of sacred geometry was essential to the education of the soul.


Viewing and contemplating these forms can allow us to gaze directly at

the face of deep wisdom and glimpse the inner workings

of The Universal Bruce Rawles, author of the ‘Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook’


In nature, we find patterns, designs and structures from the most minuscule particles,

to expressions of life discernible by human eyes, to the greater cosmos.

These inevitably follow geometrical archetypes, which reveal to us the nature of each form and its vibrational resonances.

They are also symbolic of the underlying metaphysical principle of the inseparable relationship of the part to the whole.

It is this principle of oneness underlying all geometry that permeates the architecture of all form in its myriad diversity.

This principle of interconnectedness, inseparability and union provides us with a continuous

reminder of our relationship to the whole, a blueprint for the mind to the sacred foundation of all things created.

Starting with what may be the simplest and most perfect of forms,

the sphere is an ultimate expression of unity, completeness, and integrity.

There is no point of view given greater or lesser importance,

and all points on the surface are equally accessible and regarded by the center from which all originate.

Atoms, cells, seeds, planets, and globular star systems all echo the spherical paradigm of total inclusion.




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