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Stepping Stones to Optimum Health 


Essential for feeling in balance and having wellbeing.

Cleanses have for millenia been a vital and important way of living.

Whether it be simply to fast from food, or flush your bowels, liver, or kidneys,

each cleanse will improve your energy for life and help maintain a strong immune and deeper presence.

In the times we now live in, particularly in the west, with non organic foods, colors and numbers or

be it specially added treats to our sacred waters and air,

I hold firm with myself that cleansing is more important now than ever before. Enjoy


Oil Pulling

Definitely one of my favourite cleanses. Easy and simple to do it daily


SaltWater Flush

Simple Salt water purge to expunge and eliminate toxins from the body super efficiently 


Liver Cleanse

to help cleanse the liver of

gallstones to dramatically 

increase energy and digestion.

Kidney Cleanse

helping your blood be strong to support deep vitality



Bentonite Clay

healing clay that has amazing drawing and absorptive capabilities

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Muccoid Plaque

clean the slimy mucus that forms on linings of various 

hollow organs

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